Executive Summary
Over the past 15 years, we’ve seen the rapid rise of Monte Carlo analysis as a tool for analyzing retirement. Yet at the same time, the use of conventional statistics to project potential market scenarios has been under attack, for failing to capture the so-called “Black Swan” phenomenon.
In this week’s #OfficeHours with @MichaelKitces – a new video series we’ve launched where I will take reader questions, both emailed and live, every Tuesday at 1PM EST via the Periscope social media platform – we look at the phenomenon of Black Swans, what a black swan event really is, and how the “risk” of a black swan is quite different for a long-term retiree who takes annual withdrawals versus a leveraged hedge fund who faces the risk of having their debt called in.
In fact, we ultimately find that while Monte Carlo analysis for retirees is commonly criticized for failing to capture extreme market events, it turns out that the biggest problem with Monte Carlo is not that it fails to model the downside risks but that it actually understates the possibility for upside surprises!
You can see me discuss all of this and more in our #OfficeHours video posted in today’s article, along with details on how to sign up to watch the next broadcast live, and participate for yourself!
(Michael’s Note: The video below was recorded using Periscope, and announced via Twitter. If you want to participate in the next #OfficeHours live, please download the Periscope app on your mobile device, and follow @MichaelKitces on Twitter so you get the announcement when the broadcast is starting, at/around 1PM EST every Tuesday! You can also submit your question in advance through our Contact page!)
#OfficeHours with @MichaelKitces Video Transcript
Black swans, the topic for today.
Hello everyone. How are you doing? So, I thought for our topic today, I would touch a little on black swans. You know, this topic seems to be cropping up again. It’s been bumpier in the markets, these things happen, I get it. It seems every time the market gets volatile and something "unexpected" happens, we start talking again about black swans.
Monte Carlo Analysis And Black Swans
I've had a whole bunch of questions coming in over the past couple of weeks that are basically, "Is Monte Carlo software dumb and useless and dead?" And all these negative terms. Because it fails to capture black swans and it's not modeling correctly. So I thought I'd just tackle this topic head on.
So first of all, just to make sure we're on the same page about the term black swan. Because black swan frankly has gotten thrown around a lot lately, to refer to, basically, any dramatic event. Which is not the point of a black swan. Normal, mathematical, statistical analysis like standard math says extreme stuff happens from time to time. That's normal probability theory. If I keep flipping the coin over and over again at some point I'm going to flip heads ten times in a row, that's not a black swan event. That's just realize. If I do it enough times eventually I'm going to throw heads ten times in a row. It's not very probable, but it will happen at some point. It's expected.
The Black Swan Explained
So the idea of a black swan comes from the science we actually use to do these sorts of statistical analysis. It's called inductive reasoning. And the related idea of a black swan was popularized by Nassim Taleb, who wrote the "The Black Swan", although actually his original book [Fooled By Randomness] I recommend even more. He put forth the notion of this black swan logic problem.
Let's say you've been looking at swans all your life. Swans for most of the developed world are one color. They're white. Anytime you see a swan it's white. The definition of swan for most people is a white bird. And that was the conventional view of all swans, until one day we went to a new part of the world and discovered that in parts of the southern hemisphere, there are swans that are black. No one had ever seen a black swan before. And so it leads to this interesting logic scenario. How many white swans would you have to see in order to predict that the next swan is going to be black?
The answer is that's basically a paradox in statistical analysis. You would never, ever predict you're ever going to meet a black swan no matter how many white swans you meet. Because you've only ever seen one type of swan. And if you literally didn't even know another one existed, you were never going to expect to see it. It would be something that was so improbable you would have assumed it was impossible. Yet it actually was possible and it happens because there are black swans out there.
So that was the origin of the black swan concept. The idea is something that is viewed as being so improbable as to be impossible, based on all available data and statistics we have. Yet the truth is, it's actually quite probable. We just didn't know because we were only looking at a small subset of the world and not the universe of all possibilities.
Black Swan Volatility In Markets
And the classic way this gets manifested in markets is things like, when we look at the typical daily volatility of markets and we run our statisticsal analyses to figure out what's the probability of getting a single day where the market goes down 5% or 8% or 10% or 12% or 15% or 20%. You would actually have concluded, since typical daily volatility is only a fraction of a percent, that it's virtually impossible to get a single day market decline more than 4% or 5%. When we look historically that's happened. We've had fives, we've had eights, we've had tens during the financial crisis. We had an almost 25% in the crash of 1987.
So we get this disjoint to where, statistically, the odds of a single day market crash of 20% should for all intents and purposes be impossible. It's a twenty-standard deviation event. Yet it happened. And we've had many that have been 5%, 8%, 10% declines, even though statistically that should be so rare, you would basically never see it once in a 100 years. Yet we've had a couple dozen of them over the past 100 years.
So that's the idea of this black swan phenomenon [as it pertains to investment markets]. And then lots of discussion that says, "Well when all these extreme events can happen that we're not accounting for in traditional statistics, normal distributions, which most Monte Carlo software relies upon, does that basically mean all of our Monte Carlo software is bunk and invalid?" And the answer is no. Monte Carlo software is really not invalid as we use it for, as advisors, for actually a couple of different reasons.
Black Swan Time Horizons
The first is just to recognize that this whole phenomenon of black swans, it really matters what time horizon you're talking about. So when we look at daily market volatility, what happens is markets go up and down from day to day. We clearly see "black swans" in the data. Statistically speaking, the crash of 1987 was about a twenty-standard deviation event. Which means, mathematically, it should occur on average about once every three times the length of the universe which is impossible. Yet it happened. However that's only on a daily basis.
When you actually back the frame out and you look instead at what it looks like on an annual basis...I'll actually give you a chart that I did for one of my articles a couple years ago. That's what market volatility looks like on an annual basis. So the green line is what a normal distribution would have predicted. The red line is what happens in the real world.
Now you notice the red line doesn't perfectly match up with the green one, but that's because the primary problem is actually what's going on over here to the right. There are a whole bunch of...Well, I guess technically, they're black swans because they were events that were five, six, seven-standard deviation events that weren't supposed to happen and they did. But they were good returns. They're on the right side of the chart. The primary problem we actually see in the historical data of annual returns is not the excess number of bad black swans; it's the excess number of good black swans, or as I like to call them, golden swans. That's actually the primary problem.
In other words, if you're just using annual returns for your Monte Carlo, the biggest problem is you're underestimating the probability that your client has amazing extraordinary upside wealth. Not downside. The downside is actually almost perfectly predicted with the normal distribution on annual returns. It's the upside that's actually not properly predicted.
So a lot of this now starts to depend on when your investment time rises, what you do. So if you're a hedge fund that's levered a zillion-to-one with banks that settle up everyday to make sure they've got sufficient collateral, daily black swans matter. Because if you get a black swan that's a horrible decline today and recovers next week but you're out of business today, being right next week doesn't really matter. And the classic example to this in the investment world, that's what happened to Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM). So back in the late 1990's, Long-Term Capital Management was incredibly leveraged. They had a "black swan event." A convergence or actually divergence of yield spreads that was never supposed to happen, but did. And then as it ultimately turned out, they went bankrupt from the leverage. They had to be unwound. And by the time everything was done around a couple of years later, all their investment debts or the majority of their investment bets were actually right and it got unwound profitably. But they got put out of business in the meantime because they were so leveraged in market to market daily that they couldn't wait out the volatility.
Daily Black Swans Don't Matter To Long Term Retirement Portfolios
The distinction is, at least for most of us advisors, this is not our clients. We don't invest with five-to-one or ten-to-one or twenty-to-one or fifteen-to-one leverage that's reconciled daily. Most of our clients have no leverage at all and they're hardly taking any money. Where a retiree takes 4 or 5% percent of the portfolio in the year. So if we take a retiree through a scenario like 1987, the crash of 1987, on a daily basis there was a black swan and leverage funds would have gone out of business. As a retiree, if you took your first distribution on Labor Day of 1987 and then you took your second distribution on Labor Day of 1988, your second distribution came out at a higher price than the first distribution. And you will completely have missed the fact that you had a 20% decline from the crash of '87 followed by a comparably sharp recovery thereafter.
And that's just the fundamental distinction of...it's not really about black swans or it's certainly not about daily black swans. At worse, it's about annual black swans. Except, when we actually look at the data, there are no annual black swans in the market data, just golden swans! Now I suppose in the classic definition of black swan, the fact that we've never seen one still isn't proof that we're not going to have one. But still, all this discussion we have about black swans and how normal distributions don't predict them, that's entirely a phenomenon of daily market volatility, not annual market volatility. And for usl that we tend to do withdraws annually, invest more returns annually, we invest for our clients over longer term time periods, even annually. It's basically a nice way of saying, black swans don't matter. Or don't matter in any way that you would change your modeling.
Now I can still make the case that maybe Monte Carlo software is slightly off because it maybe slightly overestimates the probability of a five-standard deviation annual event. Which we've never seen the data. But hey, if it could occur, it would be a "black swan." But you still get this question of what would you actually do with it.
How Do You Plan For A Black Swan?
So imagine this for a moment. You've got a client retirement scenario. You've run your Monte Carlo. The probability of success is 92%. But then I give you this fancy, awesome, brand new financial planning software with great Monte Carlo tools, that perfectly predicts actual black swans. So while we think this five-standard deviation event is impossible and couldn't occur, it correctly identifies the fact that there is a 1.2% probability this would occur. Which is a thousand times more likely than we were giving it credit before. A million times more likely than we were giving it credit before.
So we re-run our Monte Carlo analysis with this 1.2% possibility of a complete and total catastrophe early in retirement and the client's probability success goes from 92 to 91. Now, tell me what you would do differently with your client if you had a Monte Carlo analysis that ignores black swans with a 92% probability of success and a perfect Monte Carlo analysis software tool that correctly predicts the probability is really 91% black swan adjusted?
The answer is you're going to do nothing different. We don't do anything drastically different for our clients between whether they have a 92% probability of success or a 91% probability of success. It's not a big enough difference to matter.
What do we end up doing in practice? If the thing occurs, if the other 8% or 9% bad scenarios occur, we respond. We adjust. That's the whole nature of financial planning when working with clients in an ongoing basis. Ideally our planning software would even give us the tools to analyze this upfront. If the market falls 30%, do I need to cut my spending by 5%, 10% or 20% to get back on track? Again, that would be formulating a true plan in response to the market decline. But still, ultimately, the best we're going to do is take an event that is extremely improbable. We've acknowledged it could occur but it's still unlikely. The crash of '87 did happen once in the past 100 years. But it only happened once in the past 100 years. You're not going to plan every day assuming that tomorrow could be the crash of 1987 or you're never going to actually generate an investment return and you're going to be wrong 99.999% of the time and leave all your growth on the table.
So the reality really is that planning for black swans isn't about getting better planning software to model them: A) because black swans basically don't exist in annual data; and B) because you wouldn't really do anything different anyway, because even a properly accounted black swan is not material enough to dramatically change a Monte Carlo analysis or a probability of success. What it's really about is formulating the plans about how you're going to respond to a black swan.
If the market falls 30%, what would your spending cut be? If the market falls 50%, what would your spending cut be? Or what would your plan be if we know that the reality is most of these things tend to rebound quickly, five years later the financial crisis was making new highs. After the crash of 1987, it took less than a year to make new highs. The plan could actually be, we're going to sit tight for a year and see how much this thing bounces back. Because you don't need to touch your money for a year anyway. We've already got spending set aside for a year. Then we'll decide how to respond. And for every 15% your portfolio's declined, we're going to cut your spending by 5% to keep you on track. That's a plan. That's an actual, formulated plan. And now you can deal with that whether you get a normal market decline or a black swan market decline. you formulated a plan on how to deal with the market decline. And to me, that's really the essence of what planning is about.
What Is A Black Swan Event [Really]?
We throw out these black swan labels as though they're so crucial. That's really not what it's about. Not for what we do as financial planning, when our clients are not leveraged to the hilt. They're not doing ten, twenty, fifty-to-one leverage like various hedge funds and financial institutions. Most of our clients are unleveraged. They have very little liquidity needs at the end of the day. They're spending a couple percent a year. And the truth in that environment is, annual black swans both don't exist and wouldn't have a material impact anyway. Because clients aren't even withdrawing enough for it to matter.
The truth even when we look at sequence-of-return risk is that it's not big market crashes that actually trigger retirement failures in sequence-of-return risk. It's bad decades. Because bad market crashes often recover as quickly as they fall, or within a year or few years as we've seen in 2008 and 2000 and the crash of '87. Most of the time they recover so quickly, it's hardly even a speed bump. The actual risk for clients in the first place is not bad years; it's bad decades. It's when you retire and 15 years later, the market hasn't made any real returns. Which is what happened for a retiree in 1929 or 1966. And '66 is a good example. There was no market crash that made that the worst year to retire in the 20th century. It was the fact that you just got mediocre real returns for 15 years. Because markets were bad and inflation rose and all the dynamic stuff happened.
So just recognize this phenomenon. Black swans are daily events, not annual events. For clients that don't have leverage, you don't really have to care about daily events. And the annual events, you're actually safe. Even if you're going to model them, the probabilities don't move that much which means you wouldn't do anything differently. All black swans really mean is whether you're going to get a black swan or even a normal, predictable market decline. It's really about formulating the plan. If a decline happens of any material substance, black swan or otherwise, how are you going to adjust spending to stay on track? That's really what it's about for good retirement planning and dealing with black swans. And that's something that ironically we can't do very well on Monte Carlo right now simply because the software isn't built to actually show dynamic spending adjustments based on market volatility. Hopefully we'll see planning software improve in the future in order to do that. But that's ultimately just a modeling issue in planning software and Monte Carlo. It's not actually a failure of Monte Carlo as a tool.
So I hope that's helpful with some food for thought around Monte Carlo. And I don't know if you guys had any questions about this Monte Carlo, black swan discussion. I saw a few of you were sharing this out. So thank you for sharing the broadcast as well. But any questions?
As Bill Winterberg has chastised me I have to wait a moment for you to actually type your question if you've got a question. If you're listening in from a desktop, I'm sorry you can't ask questions this way. You have to do it through the Periscope app on your smartphone, IOS or android. That's not me trying to sell the Periscope app. That's just the reality of how the technology works. It's not built to do questions from the desktop platform, only from the mobile app.
All right, well, I'm hearing no questions. Then I guess we'll go and wrap up. Thank you Bill for the Happy New Year's wishes to everyone. I hope this was helpful food for thought for all of you. I'm going to be doing Periscopes going forward, 1:00 p.m., east coast time on Tuesdays. Trying to share financial planning topics like this or anything else I can find that's helpful.
So have a Happy New Year, everyone. Thanks again and take care.
So what do you think of our new Periscope video format? And the black swan topic? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!
Great perspective. Devoted follower here. Thanks.
Happy to be of service Denise! Hope you like the new video format too? (Or just prefer reading the transcript?)
– Michael
I like both. The video reinforces the transcript. And I like your enthusiastic no bull delivery.
Ditto on liking both.
Resampling efficiency (patented by Dick Micheux) resolves the black swan consideration. Markowitz attributes it adds as much as 57 bps to performance.
MK, I enjoyed your post on monte carlo. It was timely for a couple reasons. First, I had recently (last month) built my own monte carlo simulator. Why oh why would I do that? Because I don’t like them, of course. And second, I had recently constructed my own model for analyzing scenarios in order to have a “plan” because…well, because MC sims don’t prescribe policy.
1) I dislike MC sims because they have some weird assumptions and then they do not prescribe any specific policy recommendations to boot. 0% fail rate? 20% fail rate?… it’s somewhat of a “so what, what do you do?” In addition, I did not like, among other things, that MC sims: a) don’t let longevity vary both stochastically and by way of a likely longevity probability distribution, and b) they (forget market black swans for a moment) don’t factor in spending shocks (a divorce, a new roof, Cypriot-style capital haircuts, etc). Dirk Cotton at retirementcafe.com had a pretty good recent blog on this: spending shocks as chaos theory rather than probability theory [http://www.theretirementcafe.com/2015/12/retirement-income-and-chaos-theory.html]. So, just for the hell of it I built a MC simulator that added some of that
stuff in (e.g., longevity variance and spending shocks). In the end, my general sense was that the MC output, while interesting and maybe useful and certainly showing a lower success rate than your average simulator, does not tell me what to do, and therefore it may be somewhat irrelevant.
2) My take away from #1 was that I needed to have a “plan,” so using some past work in strategy consulting I figured that I needed to say “what are a few scenarios that might happen that are ‘bad’
and what, exactly, would I do if the scenarios came to pass.” Being overly-analytical of course, I built another model! It showed me what would happen to spending as a % of my “endowment” if there was a big shock to my equities. That then meant that I could say: I can’t control the market (or inflation or whatever…) but if my allocation policy is X and my “spending policy” is to not exceed Y% of my endowment and I currently spend Z dollars — and additionally if my spending pain levels are A or B — what really happens if the equity portion of my portfolio goes down 10 or 20 or 50 or 60 percent? How much would I have to change what I spend or how might I tactically reallocate before that happens to keep my policies in line? The result is that I now know that my plan is more or less robust and that if I have to cut spending I know how much pain I have to absorb (but not yet this: for how long or what to cut…). Now I can take a hard cold look at my income statement (and allocation policy) and know what I need to do. Not fun at all but its better than worrying all the time.
Cheers. Always enjoy your blog.
Thanks for sharing.
Indeed, to me the inability of most planning (and Monte Carlo) software to actually illustrate the true trade-offs of a PLAN – when you need to implement a cut, how much of a cut to implement, etc – is a huge shortcoming of the software today. I covered it recently on the blog in https://www.kitces.com/blog/is-financial-planning-software-incapable-of-formulating-an-actual-financial-plan/
But notably, that’s technically not a shortcoming of Monte Carlo software in the abstract. It COULD be programmed to do all of what you ask (and as you note, you did most of it yourself building your own tool).
I view this as a failing of the software companies serving advisors today that haven’t filled this void. :/ Hopefully they will soon?
– Michael
Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention that when I looked
at my MC sim data, even when I was running a 20% fail rate on a scenario, the
fails had less (counter-intuitively to me anyway) to do with spending shocks
and more to do with really bad runs of low returns and high inflation. It was not bad years or shocks it was, to
bolster what MK was saying, bad decades.
And more often that not, bad “first” decades (i.e., sequence
of returns risk; this is well known). I
watched my retired and widowed and non-working mother get absolutely slaughtered
in the 1970s so I gotta say the plan and the action is everything and the MC
sim is interesting but not all that relevant.
Excellent discussion and video Michael. Did not know you were doing these “office hours” segments. I’ll be a regular listener going forward.
Totally agree that the risk is bad decades – or a bad first decade.
I do have a question. You say there have never been an “annual black swan” – downside. However, wouldn’t 2008 have been an annual black swan?
The S&P 500 has roughly a 10% expected return with a 20% standard deviation. 2008 was a -37% year. So it was a 2.35 standard deviation event. That would merely make this about a 1-in-40 event. Which is about how often a single year -37% has been happening.
The fact that a low probability event happens once every now and then is not a black swan. It’s EXACTLY what you would expect with a normal distribution!
– Michael
That is helpful perspective Michael, thanks.
I have a follow-up/clarifying question to see if I have this right. Using the numbers you provided in your response for the S&P 500 (expected return of ~10% with a 20% SD), is it fair to say that the largest downside standard deviation event would be 5.5 (-20% SD X 5.5 = -110% + 10% = 100% loss)?
Of course, a market with a higher expected return and/or a lower SD, the downside SD event could be larger than 5.5?
Am I thinking about this right?
Thanks Michael,
Yes that’s correct.
And I’d call a -100% (or I suppose even a -90%) in a single year a pretty good example of a black swan. 🙂
If it ever happens…
– Michael
Hopefully it never happens in any of our lifetimes!
To be honest, not looking forward to another 2008 type standard deviation event again in my lifetime, which if it happens roughly every 40 years I might live to see 🙂
Thanks Michael
Great presentation. You appear to have lost a lot of weight and you look great. I have one small suggestion: perhaps your presentation could be improved by sitting rather than standing and making fewer motions with your upper body and head. Great stuff as usual.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll see what I can do, but I’m a physically active talker. Not sure how much I can tone down. 🙂
– Michael
Just let it rock, Michael!
Michael, great post. “All black swans really mean is whether you’re going to get a black swan
or even a normal, predictable market decline. It’s really about formulating the plan” hits the nail on the head. It doesn’t matter if you deplete your savings due to the slow grind of sequence risk or catastrophically, you need a plan for dealing with depleted savings.
There was some discussion about what you would do differently if “chaos theory software” predicted a 5.5% probability of ruin instead of 5%. Chaos theory doesn’t provide a probability of ruin, it tells us that no amount of historical data will accurately predict a probability of ruin.
Probabilities (and MC) are still useful. Most chaotic systems are in equilibrium most of the time and probabilities are then predictive.
I don’t worry much about chaotic market returns (though, I suspect they are chaotic). I can control my maximum market exposure. We can’t predict or control medical costs, identity theft or divorce, though. I think chaos is a much larger risk on the spending side, where it leads not just to depleted savings, but bankruptcy.
I do agree with you that black swans in portfolio returns are (probably) overrated. I don’t agree with your broader title that the “risk of a retiree black swan” is overrated, because retirees also have unlimited, unpredictable spending risk.