Fix: The early phase of the client-advisor relationship where there are clear financial issues or goals that need to be addressed. Transitions can also reignite fix.
Fine: The middle phase of the client-advisor relationship where clients and advisors alike mainly describe their interaction as fine. These are useful times for rest, but they can also get boring and end out with unsatisfying meetings.
Flourish: A third phase of the client advisor relationship where new goals related to growth and self-worth, and purpose, meaning, autonomy and relationships are explored with greater depth that would not have been possible before, earlier in a fix or fine phase.
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs: Developed by Abraham Maslow, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was meant to explain motivation and provide insight into the human condition to meet both basic physical and emotional needs as well as complex physical and emotional needs. Human needs are broken into 5 categories: physiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization.
End Of History Illusion: The psychological phenomena describing how a person will describe their current self compared to their younger self as totally different and yet asked to describe the future self, persons will default to saying future self is much like the current self. In a sense, they describe an end of history as though they will stop changing.
Arrival Fallacy: The psychological phenomena describing how people often enjoy the pursuit of a goal more than they enjoy actually achieving the goal. Humans tend to be happier striving toward success than they do achieving success.
Positive Psychology: A movement spawned by Dr. Martin Seligman that focuses on studying individuals that are doing well, have strengths, and want to have more full lives in contrast to focusing on the study of disorders and maladaptive behavior.