ETFs have become essential components of many investors’ portfolios in recent years. Their low costs, tax efficiency, and ability to provide exposure to numerous asset classes have made them a popular choice within tax-advantaged and taxable investment accounts alike. But as the number of dollars flowing into ETFs has grown, so too has the diversity and complexity of ETF products on the market – from actively-managed and leveraged products to ESG offerings to (likely in the near future) cryptocurrency funds. And so, with ETFs making up the core building blocks of many advisors’ portfolio management strategies, it is critical for advisors to understand not only the role ETFs play today, but also how they could continue to evolve and help shape the relationship between portfolio management and financial advice in the years to come.
Join us at the October Kitces Monthly Webinar, where ETF expert Dave Nadig, Financial Futurist of VettaFi, will discuss current trends within the ETF industry (including considerations such as growth versus value, inflation, and flows into ESG or values-based ETFs), as well as areas of future research such as the role of indexing, the risks posed by shifting regulatory environments, and innovations in fixed income ETFs.
In this webinar, advisors will learn:
- The simple way of understanding ETF creation and redemption
- What is receiving the most attention in the ETF landscape versus where the money is actually flowing
- How to choose ETFs by considering exposure, efficiency, and access