See Behind the Scenes Of Successful Advisor Marketing
Questions? Email us at [email protected]
The site says there will be a recording. What are the details?
A recording of the Summit will be provided to those who registered for the live event at no additional cost. For those who did not register for the live event, the recording will be offered at a price that aligns with the ticket price for the live event – $397 for non-members and $297 for Kitces Premier members.
How long will I have access to the recording?
Access to the recording has no end date; however the content may eventually be deleted if no longer relevant or applicable when considering current industry standards, practices, or legal framework.
Signup/Login Questions
I bought a ticket to the Summit, but I don’t know how to sign in.
Thanks for purchasing a ticket to the Kitces Digital Marketing Summit! You should have received an email from our webinar servicer (BigMarker). This email contains your personalized sign-on link. Please check your spam folder and let us know if you don’t see an email from BigMarker there.
CE and Certificates
Is the Summit CE eligible?
The Kitces Digital Marketing Summit is a practice management event and not a financial planning education event, therefore CE will not be offered for this event. However, we offer many other opportunities for CE on Kitces.com!
Will I receive a certificate?
Since the Summit is being presented in a “Show-Don't-Tell-style” it is less providing you with a specific learning outcome (as is usually the expectation when providing a certificate) but instead about opening your mind to the possibilities of what can be done in digital marketing. You will, however, receive several deliverables from the Summit including handouts, recap notes, a suggested vendor list and more!
Payments and Refunds
What is the refund policy?
You may receive a full refund for the Kitces Digital Marketing Summit up until the start of the Summit (12pm ET on May 13th, 2021)
Where can I access a receipt for the Summit?
Registrants are emailed a proof of purchase after registering. Please check your spam folder and let us know if you don’t see an email from BigMarker there.
Are you offering group discounts?
Discounts are being offered to Kitces Premier Members and members of the AGC. Groups that are not Kitces Premier Members or members of the AGC can inquire about a group discount by emailing us.
Join us May 13th and see what’s possible.
Questions? Email us at [email protected]